Report Hate on Social Networking Sites

How to make complaints about racism and hate on social networking sites

Check out recent blog posts and various fora on social networking complaints, results and process

Canada Report Hate Crime ☎

Dept. of Homeland Security Contact ☎

FBI - Report Online ☎

USA Report Hate Crime ☎

Germany Report Hate Crime ☎

UK Report Hate Crime ☎

When making complaints, it is important to provide user names, content description and links to the offending comments to make it easier for support personal to identify and remove the offending user or group. Don't forget to send a copy of all correspondence to for backup and support is owned by google and does an auto redirect to for the complaint.

Blogspot's content policy is at HATEFUL CONTENT: Users may not publish material that promotes hate toward groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, and sexual orientation/gender identity.

Google's terms and conditions of service (TOC) are at: The TOC includes the statement about hate as cited above.

To report racist blogs using the form "Report Hate Speech on Blogger" click here using the following link below and copy and paste the offending blog into the box and click submit. To have impact on Google, several people should report the blog.


To watch a video on how to report hate and abuse on Youtube click here or click the video image below.

Report user harassment and abuse on YouTube using the Help Resources, you must have a YouTube account setup previously in order to report to YouTube. Also be sure to folllow through the options starting from the Help Resources page and make all the choices in order to make sure the report goe's through as shown in the video. Jumping straight to the hate reporting form will mean it is will be rejected.

After making your report check your email to see that the report has been recieved or rejected.

See YouTube's Terms of Use

Also see YouTube's discussion of the difference between hate speech and harassment.


Report User Harrasment and Abuse on MySpace using this form.

See Myspace's terms of use.


Report User Harrasment/Abuse on FaceBook to

See Facebook's terms of use.


Please do not forget to send a copy of your report of racism and/or hate motivated comments.

Type of incident: